Stories, articles, videos, insights, and perspectives organized by interest.

You’re Not Drowning, You’re Just Getting Wet. You’re An Entrepreneur
Become comfortable being uncomfortable! Clear out your closet, because life as an entrepreneur requires wearing many hats.
Melinda Emerson Keynotes the 2018 Millionaire-in-You Small Business Conference
America's #1 Small Business Expert Melinda F. Emerson, known as “SmallBizLady,” is America’s #1 Small Business Expert” She has been a thriving entrepreneur...
The Most Import People In Your Business, You Don’t Even Know Yet
Unless you are an experienced entrepreneur or small business owner, your existing sphere of contacts likely reside in traditional jobs.
Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, And Mark Zuckerberg Don’t Pass Out Business Cards
TIME - FRIEND OR ENEMY? Time is your least expensive and most expensive resource. Time is free, right? Therefore, I have an unlimited budget to spend on my...