Creating Targeted Local Ads—Why Is It Important?

by | Jun 18, 2022 | Digital Marketing, Grow

Local marketing is a strategy that involves targeting a specific group of consumers near a business’s location in order to enhance its prospects. While location-based marketing has undergone many changes over the years and has become more digital, traditional forms of advertising—from flyers in your neighborhood grocery store to billboards on the highway—are still an effective way of getting the word out about your business.

Targeted local ads are a must for retailers trying to reach more customers in their vicinity and arouse interest in their products. Businesses that have created targeted local ads enjoy benefits like an increase in foot traffic and brand awareness.

Today, many local businesses have the option of deciding on a precise location with the help of hyperlocal marketing.

What Is Location-Based Marketing and How Does It Help?

Location-based marketing involves using mobile users’ data to locate their current or past locations and display relevant content to them. It is also known as hyperlocal marketing, geo-targeting marketing, geolocation marketing, and proximity-based marketing. This technology has helped businesses win over consumers, improved customer relationships, and helped customers locate brands and products close to their proximity.

Targeted local ads reach potential customers in a very fixed local area, which could be a few blocks away or a few streets away. It is often done with the intention of increasing foot traffic to their store and usually targets people who use their smartphones to search for nearby stores.

Why Retailers Looking To Boost Sales Should Use Targeted Local Advertising

Local Ads Reach Local Customers This works for both online businesses without a physical establishment and retailers working in physical locations. Business owners can use customer data to get a better understanding of the behavioral pattern of their customers. This includes their buying habits and the frequency of buying certain products.

According to Google, 76% of users who search for a product in their locality turn up at the store within a day, and nearly 28% end up buying something.

They Engage Mobile Users at the Right Time and the Right Place

With the rising popularity of mobile phone users and online shopping, Google prioritized mobile-friendly sites to provide seamless experiences to users. Moreover, social media marketing tools like Facebook Audience Insights are a boon for businesses that provide information on consumer location, purchase behavior, household strength, and other characteristics. It helps retailers prepare targeted local ads based on these characteristics, which further help in boosting sales.

Increased Sales with Coupons and Incentives

Specific incentives can be sent to certain customers at different locations to encourage them to buy particular products.

Targeted Ads Ensure Personalization

Customers enjoy it when they’re presented with attractive offers that ensure personalization. Targeted local ads increase the chances of personalized ads.

At StealthEnomics, we’re committed to providing small businesses with quality digital solutions that help them grow their business. If you’re in need of assistance with creating targeted local ads, get in touch with us.

June 18, 2022


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